“Sky is the limit, and journey to everything begins with a single STEP”

Learning in
‘Bachelor of Computer Applications’ as the name itself speaks-out is the course that demonstrates sound knowledge in key areas of computer science or industrial computing. It also carries out the required analysis and synthesis involved in computer systems, information systems, and computer applications.
Increasing trend of computerization of every aspect of business & services has created the wide variety of jobs such as system administrators & developers, software programmers, Software development & design, training & development etc. and this course has become one of the popular options to make a career in computer applications & information technology.
This program also provides a sound academic base for an advanced career in computer application.
Study of this course leads to gaining adequate knowledge about:
- Basic Mathematics & Communication Skill
- Computer & Programming Fundamentals
- PC software, Software Engineering
- Logical Organization of Computers
- C, C++ & Java programming
- Structured System Analysis & Design
- Introduction to various Operating Systems
- Data Structure & Introduction to Database Management System, Data Communication & Networking
- Web Designing, Visual Basic, and Introduction to .net
- Management Information System, E-Commerce
- Artificial Technology
“Sky is the limit, and journey to everything begins with a single STEP.” With the similar idea and chase to accomplish the goals and reach new heights, we at B S Anangpuria begin our journey with introduction to our first STEP which is named as Student transformation and Enhancement Program.
There is a well-designed syllabus and curriculum for the 3-year BCA course which covers various modules designed on the basis of skills required and various career opportunities offered after BCA. It includes various modules like basic speaking skills and various technologies which are ruling in today’s IT market.
- Advanced C Programming Language
- Python Programming Language
- Java (Core + Advance)
- Big Data
- Machine Learning
At our college, we ensure the right placement for each student. Our department plays an important role in shaping the careers of students from their induction and orientation, summer internships, mid-term projects, right to their final placements and even beyond. Our department undertakes various academic and non-academic initiatives so that students are well equipped to meet varied industry requirements.
The leading companies from all the sectors are invited on the campus, where the eligible students has to go through the entire selection process.
- PlacementOur Outstanding and marvelous students:- Placement Details
S. No Roll No. Name of Student Company Name Profile 1 16/BCA05 Himanshu Bhatia Multi Graphics Group Development Programmer 2 16/BCA10 Sarthak Bhutani Amazon Customer Service Associate Wipro Technologies Development Programmer Genpact Customer Service Associate Multi Graphics Group Development Programmer 3 16/BCA15 Bhavye Gautam Amazon Customer Service Associate 4 16/BCA17 Rajeshwari Attri Multi Graphics Group Development Programmer - ScholarshipsSince its inception in 2001, B.S.Anangpuria educational institutes has thrived in achieving its goal i.e to carve scholars. The Institute strongly believes in recognizing true talent and honoring it which also helps to create a healthy competition among the students and acts as a foundation of encouragement for another student as well. Therefore in order to facilitate the meritorious students, the following scholarships are offered via its promoting body “Bhawani Shanker Anangpuria Charitable Trust”.
Amount In the Memory of Eligibility Criteria Rs. 1,00,000/- Seth Om Prakash Gupta To be awarded to the student of our Institutes who get a gold medal in the University. Rs. 50,000/- Seth Om Prakash Gupta To be awarded to the 1st rank holder of our Institute out of top 10 meritorious students in the University merit list of each course. Rs. 35,000/- Seth Om Prakash Gupta To be awarded to the 2nd rank holder of our Institute out of top 10 meritorious students in the University merit list of each course. Rs. 25,000/- Seth Om Prakash Gupta To be awarded to the 3rd rank holder of our Institute out of top 10 meritorious students in the University merit list of each course. - The Scholarship shall be given to the students of undergraduate courses only.
- The Scholarship shall be given on the basis of examination procedure of the respective course i.e. whether its semester vies or year vies
- If at any stage, it is found that a student has indulged in any undesirable activity, Scholarship Shall stand canceled and the very next eligible candidate shall be awarded the scholarship
- In case of a tie between students, all eligible students shall be awarded scholarship.
- It is mandatory to attain 75% attendance in a semester/year for a grant of scholarship.
- Grant of the scholarship shall be for an academic semester/year only and it cannot be followed by the subsequent year of the course.
S. No Registration No. Semester Name Marks Rank in university 1 1511111023 3rd Neha Yadav 416 3rd 2 1511111031 3rd Vaani 410 5th 3 1511111026 3rd Karan Gulati 401 12th 4 1511111033 3rd Seenu Khatana 400 13th 5 1611110001 1st Abhishek Choudhary 394 17th 6 1511111030 3rd Shubham 390 21st 7 1511111028 3rd Satyam Bhatia 379 32nd 8 1511111061 3rd Aanchal 372 39th 9 1611110010 1st Sarthak Bhutani 362 49th